Tuesday 31 May 2022

It's a pretty wonderful world we live in today. Apart from the

Monday 14 December 2009

Rambling number one in human stupidity.

Beating children with a stick is nowadays considered cruel, so cruel in fact that it's against the law. It isn't like that everywhere in the world, there are still places where it is acceptable or at least allowed to beat ones child senseless if it should antagonise enough. The so called civilised amongst us would look at the above and consider anyone beating a child in such manner as nothing short of barbaric and Neanderthal. We would rightly be outraged and insist this sort of thing can't happen again. We are even prepared to donate money to charitable institutions to in effect, act on our behalf and ensure the malicious behaviour of people so disgusting can not continue. Do they really compare to eating a decent meal reared in a decent fashion for a decent wage?It's funny that we are sooooo protective over our children. But then it's all to do with evolution and the survival of the species. The Human Race has gone a fair way (but no where near as far as it has yet to go) in evolving into the animal it now is. We are technologically advanced but when it comes to looking after our dear sweet little offspring to whom we dote and care for (apols to those who haven't had kids yet and don't quite get that emotional feeling over little things that only ever seem to create mess) we are quite hopeless. There is little point in providing them with warm clothes, a comfortable house to live in, a good education and spending countless hours over worrying about their health, welfare and future when all the time we are doing our utmost to ruin their lives. By now, you know what's coming next. Pollution, unsustainability and leading a life with all the wrong values. Pollution you'll get and if you don't, where have you been living the last few centuries. We all know the reality of it but still insist on driving the car and using all the modern appliances. All of these could be made pollution free overnight but more of that in another post. Unsustainability is a bit trickier and less of us humans know about that. I think most are aware that one day the oil will run out. Many areas that were once oil producing places have run dry but then new ones have come along and we are content. However, many other resources are in the same boat. Did you know the current reserves of silver will only last approx another thirty years and although there will be no great loss over not having silver jewellery, it's use in electrical appliances is massive. There are a plethora of trace elements that were scarce in the first place but many of them play an important part of our daily lives. The simple truth of all this, is that sooner rather than later resources will run out,,, probably not in our life time but our children will certainly be affected. Still, we're alright,,, aren't we Jack! And then there's values. Why is it not a crime that the farmers of the world who provide our very existence, for the most part life a below standard life. Yet someone who wheels and deals in finance (important yes, but we would happily survive without it) makes millions, quite often just by pushing a button on a computer. That is a very basic and quick example. yet despite its briefness it is the most succinct. Only public attitude will change that. The modern part of the world,,, or so some would have us believe,,, has come to feel that cheap food is a given right. Well, yes, I agree, affordable food is important but when you see people moaning about the price of a chicken, i.e. more than 2.99 when in reality a decent well reared one should be three times the price, yet happily pop into the pub and pay 5.00 for a drink, you have to question their priorities. Just think about the next time you buy a beer, rent a video, splash out on expensive clothes and all the other 'luxuries' you MUST have.